Data Science Nigeria

AI on Demand

Shaping Tomorrow's World, Creating Opportunities Today

Emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence are revolutionising our lives, from helping doctors diagnose patients to autonomously driving cars.

The World Economic Forum predicts AI could displace 75 million jobs, but create 133 million new roles by 2022, resulting in a net gain of 58 million jobs.

In a future driven by AI, developing new skills is crucial. Data Science Nigeria (DSN) leads this effort with its goal of building 1 million AI Talents in 10 years and working with clients to thrive in this new era.

Register for AI on Demand

AI on Demand

AI+ Clubs for Schools Now

Equip students for the future with Python and AI. The AI+ club fosters fun, creativity, and learning in Primary, Junior, and Secondary Schools.

AI On Demand For Individuals

Give your child a competitive edge with Python, AI, and Data Analytics training at home, preparing them for tech careers.

AI On Demand For Instructors

AI On Demand trains instructors to deliver AI and Python lessons in schools, creating jobs for Nigerian youths. Register below.

AI On Demand For Trainers

AI On Demand for Trainers empowers Primary and Junior Secondary school teachers with AI and Python skills. Click below to register.

A new curriculum for a Digital and AI-powered world-Beginners' Artificial Intelligence & Python Programming

To prepare learners to thrive in the future with AI, curricula must be reworked and students empowered. Data Science Nigeria (DSN) has released the first Artificial Intelligence book for Nigerian Primary and Secondary Schools (Primary 5,6 and JSS 1 & 2 or Grades 4-8). The kiddies-friendly book simplifies AI concepts (Machine learning, Deep learning and Reinforcement learning) plus step-by-step guide into Python programming for complete beginners.

Get Beginners’ Artificial Intelligence book anywhere in the world