Data Science Nigeria

Mentions and Media

Edo State Teachers for Tech Conference

The Edo State Teachers for Tech Conference was a first of its kind Tech Conference in Edo state. The conference brought together over 2,000 teachers across Basic Education, Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Tertiary Institutions and explored educational technologies for 21st-century learning trends, educational games, and many more.

Global Grand Challenge, Leveraging LLM for Financial Inclusion

Data Science Nigeria won the Global Grand Challenge, which is a Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation Initiative. Hence, DSN will develop a multilingual, voice-based chatbot to demystify complex financial concepts and provide customised financial support to informal traders, women business owners, and smallholder farmers in Nigeria.


Data is everywhere; but how social impact organizations tackling the most complex problems of our day effectively unlock its potential remains a stubborn challenge worthy of our collective action.

4 ways African governments can bridge the digital skills gap for a post-COVID economic recovery.

According to the World Bank, 83% of global population growth between 2015 and 2100 is expected to come from Africa. In other words, by 2100, 1 in 3 people on the planet will live in Africa.

Africa Is Building an A.I. Industry That Doesn’t Look Like Silicon Valley

In late August, under the shade of an arching pepper tree in Nairobi, Kenya, hundreds of A.I. researchers gossiped about their algorithms. Some stood in front of posters, which wound around the tree’s sprawling roots, depicting …


Africa is trying to establish its own “NeurIPS conference”

In the past three years, scholars and industry researchers from all over the African continent finally have a gathering place of their own: a conference called “Deep Learning Indaba”. Here, they began to outline the future of Africa’s own artificial intelligence industry.

Africa Is Building an A.I. Industry That Doesn’t Look Like Silicon Valley

Deep Learning Indaba has become connective tissue for the African A.I. community — not only the space for the community to meet, but a part of the community itself. The conference forges relationships between researchers on the continent with a clear agenda: to build a vibrant …

Nigeria AI Summit 2018, Lagos, Nigeria, 10-14 October 2018

Innovating for the next billions requires a different analytical mindset and engagement approaches. The drive towards the achievement of the millennium development goals requires a need-based deployment of machine learning and artificial intelligence methodologies in ways that address fundamental socio-economic issues with significant local content.