Data Science Nigeria

Be Our Mentor

Why we need you to be our mentor?

DSN – Data Science Nigeria (also known as Data Scientists Network), we believe that Africa’s development can be accelerated through world-class data capacity building and talent development in the emerging data digital revolution.

We have also recognised that mentorship and experiential learning can fast-track the assimilation and application of learning in high-intensity fields like Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Advanced Analytics.
We are seeking world-class professional data science practitioners either in the industry or in the academic community to mentor young Nigerians via regular emails and tele-chats via a tracked mentoring programme.

This programme requires the volunteer mentors to invest at least 60 minutes within 14 days to coach, guide and inspire aspiring local data scientists. This will complement our local bootcamps, regular Kaggle competitions, and student exposure to projects as part of our goal to train 1,000,000 data experts in 10 years.

Why be a mentor?

Meet Our Dynamic Mentor Lineup at DSN!

Who is the ideal mentee that will be recommended for your mentoring?

What is the ideal profile of our mentors?​

Join Our Dynamic Team of World-Class Mentors!